Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Salvador Dali Tiger

Salvador Dali TigerSalvador Dali The Sacrament of the Last SupperSalvador Dali The Rose
But Obama's plan doesn't stop with clean energy. It also seeks to improve the lives of Americans everywhere with real, tangible benefits -- like high-speed broadband Internet access that can narrow the so-called digital divide.
Believe it or not, about 50% of Americans still don't have high-speed Internet access. That means that the United States -- where the to "every community in America," to ensure that even lower-income areas have access to information and technology resources. That could be good news for companies like Comcast (Nasdaq: CMCSA), who could vastly expand their customer base and broadband infrastructure to meet Obama's ambitious goal.
It's also good news for IBM (NYSE: IBM). When Obama's transition Internet was invented! -- ranks 15th (slightly below average) in terms of adequate citizen access to broadband service.Just as Roosevelt's New Deal brought electricity to rural areas during the 1930s, Obama is planning to bring high-speed broadband Internet access

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