Monday, April 13, 2009

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse Narcissus

John William Waterhouse Waterhouse NarcissusJohn William Waterhouse The Lady of ShalottJohn William Waterhouse waterhouse Ophelia
young men recently Called to the Church. I daresay you heard the voice of the Great God when you were Called, didn't you? Mmm?"
Metaphor was lost on Brutha. He remembered hearing the voice of his grandmother. He hadn't been Called so much as said Brutha dutifully.
"Your hand to wither and drop off!" screamed the voice in his head.
"There's very good eating on one of these, you know," said the master of novices. He saw the expression on Brutha's face.
"Look at it like this," he said. "Would the Great God Om"-holy horns-"ever manifest Himself Sent. But he nodded anyway."And in your . . . enthusiasm, it's only natural that you should think you hear the Great God talking to you," Nhumrod went on.The tortoise bounced up and down."Smite you with thunderbolts!" it screamed."I find healthy exercise is the thing," said Nhumrod. "And plenty of cold water.""Writhe on the spikes of damnation!"Nhumrod reached down and picked up the tortoise, turning it over. Its legs waggled angrily."How did it get here, mmm?""I don't know, Brother Nhumrod,"

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