Thursday, February 12, 2009

Thomas Cole Home in the Woods

Thomas Cole Home in the WoodsPierre Auguste Renoir At The TheatrePierre Auguste Renoir The Large Bathers
bandage him and tuck him into bed and sing to him and take away all the trouble and surround him with all the warmth and softness and mother-kindness he needed so badly; and it was never going to happen. Part of him was only a little up the rocks. She reached for her pine branch and silently took to the air, not to disturb him but to see that he came to no harm.
He didn't notice. He felt such a need to move and keep moving that he hardly noticed the pain in his hand anymore. He felt as if he should walk all night, all day, forever, because nothing else would calm this fever in his breast. And as if in sympathy with him, a wind was rising. There were no leaves to stir in this wilderness, but the air buffeted his body and boy still. So he cried, but he lay very still as he did, not wanting to wake Lyra.But he still wasn't asleep. He was more awake than ever. Finally he uncurled his stiff limbs and got up quietly, shivering; and with the knife at his waist he set off higher up the mountain, to calm his restlessness.Behind him the sentry witch's robin daemon cocked his head, and she turned from the watch she was keeping to see Will clambering

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