Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Guido Reni reni Aurora

Guido Reni reni AuroraFrancois Boucher Madame de PompadourGustave Courbet Plage de Normandie
Junk Drawer: Duct Tape for Warts
The gray fabric tape seems to irritate warts -- which can be surprisingly stubborn -- and inhibit their growth. Place a small piece on the skin over your child's wart, but not so tightly that it hurts, says Dr. Johnson. Change the tape whenever itprogram at Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA and author of Conquering Your Child's Chronic Pain. Have your child blow long, slow streams of bubbles from the soapy wand.A Bandanna for Headaches
Wrapping several ice cubes in a dish towel will help soothe your child's head pain (never place ice directly on his skin because it'll burn), but it'll be hard for him to hold it in place for long, says Dr. Beard. To keep the towel-wrapped ice from slipping starts to get icky; in about a month, the wart should be gone.A Bubble Wand for AnxietyBreathing slowly and deeply will help your child relax when she's feeling stressed, says Lonnie Zeltzer, MD, director of the pediatric pain

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