Sunday, September 14, 2008

Fabian Perez white and red painting

Fabian Perez white and red paintingFabian Perez Fabian Perez Venice paintingFabian Perez Fabian Perez Tango painting
of seventy-four tiny moles, all brown, were disposed about her epidermis, five of them bearing at least one hair. Her earlobes were extremely small, scarcely pendant; a thumbnail-sizecafé-au-lait birthmark was half concealed, when she stood, in the crease below her right buttock. Her anus -- unlike her lips, tongue, nipples, clitoris, and urethra -- was neither rosy nor granular, but of the same smooth beige-pink as the skin of her hams. Her navel, shallowly recessed, was bilobular, not unlike the East-Campus symbol for polarity.
"Measure me," she said. With the aid of several kinds of scales, a tape, calipers, and other devices lying about the room, I discovered that the total weight of Anastasia's body was 50.4 kilograms, of which her head and neck accounted for 2.25, her arms for a kilo apiece, her breasts for less than a half-kilo each, and her legs for almost six together. Her height was 1.63 meters standing, about six millimeters more reclining; an average hair on her head was twenty-three centimeters in length, on her armpit (not recently shaven, she said) one centimeter, on hermons veneris three. The girth of her forehead was fifty-nine

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