Friday, August 22, 2008

Claude Monet Impression Sunrise painting

Claude Monet Impression Sunrise paintingClaude Monet Argenteuil paintingFabian Perez Valencia painting
been all my life a bachelor," he said. "All work! No time for ladies! But in New Tammany once, when Eblis Eierkopf and I were working on the WESCAC, I got to know the Chancellor's daughter, that was the tape-librarian in Tower Hall. Miss Hector was her name -- Virginia R. Hector, what it said on her nameplate. And Eblis and I, we were fighting then aboutWescacus malinoctis and the Cum Laude Project; we were fighting about everything. . . but we both admired very much Miss Hector. She was aShiksa, don't you know, with light hair and all wrong she'd have been a Bonifacist like those co-eds in theReichskanzler's stud-farms, I knew that; it's what Eblis loved about her, she was such a plump and blond one. 'A perfect Frigga!' he used to say -- and how he said it made your heart sink, Georgie. Because Eblis, all he had on his mind was the Cum Laude Project! He didn't care abouther, but only what sperms should go with what eggs to make aHero . . ."
Max pronounced the word as though it tasted foul. He himself, he went on to say, though still nominally Eierkopf's superior, was by that time already out of favor

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