Monday, May 19, 2008

Famous artist painting

Famous artist painting
It always is so," breathed out Mrs. Bunting.
"Aye." he waited a moment. "D'you know anyone about the court?" he asked.
She shook her head.
"Well, don't you worry. I'll take you in along o' me. You'd never get in by yourself."
They got out; and oh, the comfort of being in some one's charge, of having a determined man in uniform to look after one! And yet even now there was to Mrs. Bunting something dream-like, unsubstantial about the whole business.
"If he knew - if he only knew what I know!" she kept saying over and over again to herself as she walked lightly by the big, burly form of the police inspector.
"'Tisn't far - not three minutes," he said suddenly. "Am I walking too quick for you, ma'am?"'
"No, not at all. I'm a quick walker."
And then suddenly they turned a corner and came on a mass of people, a densely packed crowd of men and women, staring at a mean-looking little door sunk into a high wall.

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